Wednesday, October 22, 2008

my first car!!!


Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Way cute car!!! Totally not fair though!! Doesn't even compare to the Lizzard that I had to drive....

Lindy said...

Cute car! I loved getting my very first car. Although the radio was broken and wouldn't work on any FM stations, so I had to take a boombox in the car (I know, I am old, no ipod)!

The Moseley's said...

Nice car Alyx! I remember Holly's first car, a VW bug with the floor rotted out and so they put a road sign under the mat to keep your feet from falling out. Other than that it was really cute and she loved it until the wheel feel off! Have fun with your new wheels!

Amy said...

Congrats Alyx! Nice choice... Can't go wrong with Toyota! - and since everyone else spoke of their first car.. mine was a 1980 Ford Escort SS (12 years old at that time), well, the antifreeze leeked in the car so it smelled like pancake's with syrup, not to mention anything sitting on the floor was in danger of being ruined. The driver seat rusted out so that when I turned right, the seat would come up, then the turn signal didn't work so I used a screw driver instead... the best part of all was I drove two friends to school and in the winter time, I had a blanket in the back and a blanket in the front to keep them warm, then since my defroster didn't work, the one sitting in the front had the priviledge of wiping down the windows so I could see.. then sometimes on the freeway it would just shut down and while coasting, I continued to restart the darn thing!... Good times with good ole "lumpy" (the name of my joyful car)... ahhh memories! - Actually I am surprised I am alive today! Ü

Penny said...

Alyx, congrats on the new car! It looks really cute. OK, my first car was a VW bug. It had a wooden steering wheel that was so cool. I could fill the tank for about $5. I miss those days. Have fun zooming around Memphis.